what is brainstorming ?
Brainstorming is one of most important Elicitation Technique used by Business Analyst.
Brainstorming sessions are a great way to get your team together and think about different ways to solve problems. Brainstorming sessions can be used at any stage of the project life cycle, but they tend to work best when the project is just getting started. They are especially useful if you have a lot of ideas that need to be prioritized or if you want to brainstorm solutions before you start writing code.
A typical brainstorming session involves everyone sitting around a table and taking turns sharing their thoughts. You might use post-it notes, whiteboards, flip charts, or other tools to help keep track of what people say.
What is the Goal of brainstorming Session ?
The goal of a brainstorming session is to generate lots of ideas. This means that you should not try to come up with a solution right away. Instead, you should focus on generating as many ideas as possible. Once you’ve generated a few good ideas, then you can move on to the next step.
what are the 4 rules of brainstorming
1. Start with a blank mind
2. Write down everything that comes into your head
3. Don’t judge what you write
4. Keep writing until you have exhausted your ideas
Here are some tips for running a successful brainstorming session:
1. Start With A Question
Start with a question that you want answered. This helps you focus your thoughts and get started. If you don’t know what questions to ask, start with some of these: What do I need to know? How can I make this better? What’s my goal here? Who else should be involved? What would success look like?
2. Ask Open-Ended Questions
Open-ended questions allow people to answer freely without being restricted to a specific answer. They encourage people to think about their ideas and share them. Examples include: Why? What if? What does that mean? What do you think? What do you feel? What do you hope?
3. Listen Carefully
Listen carefully to others’ answers. You may not agree with everyone’s idea, but you’ll learn something from each person’s perspective.
4. Make sure everyone has time to share their thoughts. If someone is interrupted while speaking, they may feel like they don’t have anything to add.
5. Have each person take a turn talking. When you’re done, make sure to give others a chance to speak.
what are the advantages of brainstorming
1. Brainstorming helps us think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to problems that we might not have thought about before.
2. Can help us solve complex problems and find innovative ways to approach them.
3. Can lead to better ideas and solutions to our problems.
4. Can make us feel good about ourselves.
5. Can give us confidence and encourage us to try something new.
6. Can improve our communication skills.
What are the 4 rules of brainstorming?
- Rule #1: Every Idea Matters. One of the critical aspects of a successful brainstorming session is everyone feeling comfortable sharing their ideas. …
- Rule #2: No Note Left Behind. …
- Rule #3: Embrace New Techniques. …
- Rule #4: Innovate Your Process.
What are the 3 types of brainstorming?
3 major types of brainstorming
- Verbal brainstorming – Osborne developed this method in 1957. The team gathers and pitches their ideas verbally. …
- Nominal group technique – It builds upon the verbal brainstorming. …
- Electronic brainstorming – Research shows that it is not as effective as verbal brainstorming.
Why do brainstorming sessions?
Brainstorming allows people to think more freely, without fear of judgment. Brainstorming encourages open and ongoing collaboration to solve problems and generate innovative ideas. Brainstorming helps teams generate a large number of ideas quickly, which can be refined and merged to create the ideal solution
How do you start a brainstorming session?
Here are six steps to organize a winning brainstorming session.
- Define the problem. The first step should be to determine a problem question that the brainstorming session will address. …
- Lay out the context and definitions. …
- Pick an appropriate facilitator. …
- Invite the right people. …
- Set the agenda. …
- Holding the session
How do you facilitate a brainstorm session?
Follow these steps to learn how to perform brainstorm facilitation:
- Choose who to invite. …
- Send an itinerary. …
- Create a set of rules. …
- Choose methods and tools. …
- Begin the meeting with an exercise. …
- Introduce the initial topic. …
- Ask the team to suggest questions. …
- Generate ideas and clarify them.
How do you summarize a brainstorming session?
- Solicit quality ideas. Rule: Encourage the generation of lots of creative ideas.
- Encourage everyone to participate. …
- Encourage freewheeling and expression of different ideas. …
- Do not criticize or evaluate ideas. …
- Build upon other group members’ ideas. …
- Record ideas accurately during the session.
What do you mean by brainstorming session?
Brainstorming is a group problem-solving method that involves the spontaneous contribution of creative ideas and solutions. This technique requires intensive, freewheeling discussion in which every member of the group is encouraged to think aloud and suggest as many ideas as possible based on their diverse knowledge.

Business Analyst , Functional Consultant, Provide Training on Business Analysis and SDLC Methodologies.