Best Practices for Writing Functional Requirements.
Writing functional requirements can help you clearly define your business needs and strategy to ensure they are fulfilled. From determining user stories and use cases, to collecting data and planning the project timeline, learn how to document functional requirements with the best practices.
Break Up Process Requirements Into Functionalities
Breaking down process requirements into specific functionalities can help ensure they are more straightforward and easier to understand. For example, if one of your requirement is that users should be able to complete transactions “online”, further break this down into sub requirements such as ability to login, enter payment details, etc. This can help make it easier for the developers to understand and act on the requirements.
Clearly Define Objectives
When writing functional requirements, make sure your objectives and goals are clearly defined. For instance, if maximizing revenue is the goal, define it in terms of how many transactions have to be completed each day. Additionally, outline other success metrics such as an increase in customer satisfaction. This helps everyone stay on the same page and understand what’s expected from the system they’re developing.
Describe Limitations and Assumptions
Writing clear functional requirements should also include outlining assumptions and limitations. Assumptions refer to any relevant elements about the project that are taken into account such as technology, existing data sources, and user profiles. Limitations will specify any limits in resources like time, budget, and personnel. This way, developers know what they’re working with before they start coding.
Document Process Flow
Documenting the process flow of a project provides a higher-level view of how the system works and identifies different tasks that need to be completed. When you document process flow, use visual aids like arrows and colors to represent the various steps. This will make it easier for stakeholders to understand and can even serve as an example for developers to reference when writing code.
Include User Stories When Possible
User stories are a powerful way to capture the who, what and why of the project’s requirements, blocking out technical considerations. Include user stories when documenting the functional requirements to ensure that all stakeholders, including developers and business users, can determine their objectives in a clear and concise manner. User stories should include individual tasks as well as expected outcomes that help to better explain how you envision the software behaving.
When writing functional requirements, it is important to keep in mind the audience you are writing for. Functional specifications should be written clearly and concisely so that all stakeholders can understand what is needed and can begin to bring their expertise to the table. By following these best practices, you will be able to write clear and concise functional requirements that meet the needs of your stakeholders.
1. Define the scope of your requirement
Start by defining precisely what you need from the system. This will help you avoid overlap and confusion as you write your specification. For example, if your requirement spans four different modules within a software application, be sure to define this in your specification. Avoid generalities like “the system should be able to do X” because this opens up the possibility for undefined or ambiguous requirements.
2. Use clear and concise language
Be sure to use language that is easily understood by all stakeholders. Basic English grammar and spelling should be used throughout your requirement document, as well as using specific terms when necessary (i.e., database access, object-oriented programming). Use simplified examples whenever possible to illustrate concepts rather than describing everything in excruciating detail.
3. Remove redundancy and ambiguity
redundancies in text can create confusion for readers, so it is important to strip away any nonessential wording or phrases. Likewise, make sure that each requirement is completely specific and unambiguous so that no conflicts or discrepancies arise during implementation or testing phases.
4. Check for accuracy and completeness
Once you have completed the drafting process, take a look for any inaccuracies or omissions in your requirement document. Make sure all details are included before moving on to the next step: testing! Incorrect requirements can lead to wasted time during development or testing, which could ultimately affect project deadlines or objectives.
There are a few things that you need to keep in mind when writing functional requirements (FRs). By following these guidelines, you will be able to create clear and concise FRs that can be easily understood by other members of your team and customers.
1. Keep your language simple
Don’t use jargon or technical words that may be difficult for others to understand. This will not only make the requirements less effective, but it may also cause delays in implementing them.
2. Use concrete examples
When describing the required functionality, use examples that are as close to reality as possible. This will help developers understand the specific tasks that need to be completed and how they should go about completing them.
3. Avoid generalities
Don’t write overly general requirements that are applicable to many situations but don’t mention any specifics. This will make it difficult to determine which features should actually be included in the product and could lead to future revisions being required.
4. Be specific about the tasks required
When specifying a task or feature, be as specific as possible. This will help ensure that the required functionality is implemented correctly and meets customer expectations.
Below articles also help you to understand the types of the requirements.
What is meant by functional requirements?
Functional requirements are the desired operations of a program, or system as defined in software development and systems engineering. The systems in systems engineering can be either software electronic hardware or combination software-driven electronics.
What are examples of functional requirements?
Some of the more typical functional requirements include:
- Business Rules.
- Transaction corrections, adjustments and cancellations.
- Administrative functions.
- Authentication.
- Authorization levels.
- Audit Tracking.
- External Interfaces.
- Certification Requirements.
What are functional and non functional requirements?
What is the difference between functional and non functional requirements? Functional requirements explain how the system must work, while non functional requirements explain how the system should perform.
What are the two types of functional requirements?
Here are the most common functional requirement types: Transaction Handling. Business Rules. Certification Requirements
What is features vs functional requirements?
Features are the “tools” you use within a system to complete a set of tasks or actions. Functionality is how those features actually work to provide you with a desired outcome. For example, a basic requirement for most boarding schools is the ability to customise leave types.
What is functional vs operational requirements?
Functional requirements explain the function of the product. What is its purpose, what does it do? What will people use it for? Operational requirements explain what human action is needed to keep the product operational.

Business Analyst , Functional Consultant, Provide Training on Business Analysis and SDLC Methodologies.