Top 15 Business Analysis Blogs and Websites To Follow

The bacareers blog: Career Path for Business Analyst

Top 15 Business Analysis Blogs and Websites To Follow

Recently Career path for Business Analyst  was named the top Business Analyst blog on the web!Top 15 Business Analyst Blogs

This is the most comprehensive list of  Top 15 Business Analysis Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to be a part of this! Included in the list are some wonderful blogs.

Feedspot uses this criteria to create their rankings:

  • Relevancy
  • Domain authority
  • Age of a blog
  • Alexa Web Traffic Rank and many other parameters
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  • Feedspot’s editorial team and expert review
Top 15 Business Analyst Blog
Top 15 Business Analyst Blog

Recognition never comes easy, and is often the result of collaborative work. Thanks to the much-appreciated support of its subscribers and visitors to its website, I did not expect this result when I started blogging, my intention is to help and support the people who are interested to start their career as a Business Analyst.

I am very happy when Career path for Business Analyst  has just been listed by Feedspot among the Top 15 Business Analysis Blogs on the Web.

No doubt, this honor is an encouragement for us to try even harder than we have done over the past 8 months to bring you the whole story, good and not-so-good, about Business Analyst.

Thanks again.

Our heart-felt appreciation goes to the dedicated team of Feedspot.

Thank you Feedspot.

Hope you find some new Business Analyst blog to improve your knowledge.

How payments will happen?

Credit or Debit card payments:


Usually we will do the payments through credit card and Debit Card. Some people may think, just we are giving the card to the shop owner or we are entering details on the e-commerce website then shop owner is getting the money. But how this payment is happening and what the background process for this payment is, let us discuss in detail.

But how this process is happening and this merchant will get money. Let us discuss in details here.

A payment starts with a customer who’s interested in buying a particular product or service from some type of retailer or merchant service..

For example:  I want to buy mobile phone on any website or from any mobile shop. For that I need to give my card to the shop owner or I need to enter the details on website. 

Here we may think that we provided the card to the merchant hence my account has been debited and credited the merchant account with respective amount. But this is not true. Let us discuss in detail who are involved to complete single transaction.

Four parties involved to complete the single payment transaction.

  • The merchant that’s selling the product Ex: Amazon or retail store.
  • The payment processor that organizes the transaction
  • Credit card brands like MasterCard and Visa
  • Card issuers such as banks, credit unions or another financial institution

Here is a step-by-step outline of how a card based payments transaction is processed:

  • The customer gives his or her card to the merchant to pay for a product or manually swipes the card themselves.
  • Once the card is swiped, the transaction request is sent to the merchant’s payment processor partner
  • The processor then sends the transaction request to the corresponding credit card brand
  • The credit card company sends the transaction to the card issuer
  • The issuer then approves or declines the transaction based on available funds

When it comes to online payments including payment wallet, UPI payments and the like, there are three major players involved- the merchant, the customer and the payment gateway, linking the two parties. Here we are going to elaborate on the role of each that makes payment system work:


In order to accept credit and debit card payments from online customers, the business owner needs to partner with some key players. He/she should have a merchant bank (also called an acquirer) that accepts payments on their behalf and deposits them into a merchant account they provide.


Similarly, the customer too needs a credit or debit card to make the payment for the products and services purchased. The bank that approves his/her for the card (and lends the cash to pay ) is called the issuing bank.


Connecting the two parties is the payment gateway that enables you and your customers to transact. First is the payment gateway, the software that links the site’s shopping cart to the processing network. The second is the payment processor (or merchant service), which does all the major tasks like moving the transaction through the processing network, sending you a billing statement, working with your bank, etc. Often, it’s your merchant bank that also acts as your payment processor, helping to simplify things and facilitating instant payments.

I hope it help you to get overview domain  knowledge on  payments.


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